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Rose has been working as an Occupational Therapist for approximately 37 years. She has extensive experience working in various settings including hospitals, school systems (public and private), and private clinics. Rose opened her current practice 20 years ago. She graduated from Quinnipiac University with her Doctoral Degree in Occupational Therapy. Rose is certified in pediatric Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) and The Sensory Integration Praxis Text (SIPT). She is also a certified practitioner of Solisten® and the portable application of the TOMATIS® Method.


Rose also utilizes Astronaut Vestibular Training, Handwriting Without Tears, How Does Your Engine Run, Bal-A-Vis-X, The Medek Approach, The M.O.R.E. program, Therapeutic Listening® by Sheila M. Frick and the Wilbarger Deep Pressure and Proprioceptive Technique.


Rose’s Doctoral Research:

Parent’s Perceptions of Healthy Activities and Routines for Themselves and Their Children with Special Needs

Background: Parent’s attitudes, perceptions and their participation in health promoting activities are the most influential factors in preventing childhood obesity for their special needs child. The Center for Disease Control (CDC, 2016) states that obesity rates for special needs children are 38% higher than for children without disabilities.

Purpose: Obtaining evidence-based research of parental perceptions to develop and improve health promotion programs both in schools and communities. 

Method: A qualitative phenomenological study explored parent’s perceptions on what they considered healthy routines, activities, and the barriers they and their children confront in society.

Results: Two themes emerged: Parents of children with special needs know their children need to engage in more physical activities, establish healthy routines and activities, yet are conflicted how to do it. Also parents of special needs children are concerned about the social repercussion experienced by their children when engaged in physical activities. 

Conclusion: OTPs can develop innovative strategies for health promotion programs to address the needs of this special population and their families to participate in their healthy occupations in their community.

Erica is a dedicated Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with an Associate of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy from Eastwick College. The profession of occupational therapy appealed to her because “occupational therapists are part of the process of helping a child develop the skills needed to grow into a functional independent adult.” Fortunately, during her time at Eastwick College, she met Dr. Martinez as a professor, clinical supervisor and currently her boss and mentor. Erica described working for Dr. Martinez as “a rare and insightful opportunity to learn the necessary skills to become a stronger therapist”. Erica obtained her Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences with a focus in Psychology from Dominican College. She continues to further her education and is currently a student at Bay Path University's OT Bridge program, where she will receive her Master's degree in Occupational Therapy in December 2020. In addition to assisting Dr. Martinez, Erica is also the Patient Liaison, who oversees the needs for the clients. She is also the supervisor of student interns and volunteers.

Linda is the office administrator and has worked for Dr. Martinez for 10 years. She is in charge of billing, scheduling and answers any insurance questions. Her first introduction to occupational therapy was through her daughter who reaped the benefits of therapy and she saw how crucial and effective it is. Because of this, she believed this job was a good fit as she “can relate to the parents”. Her favorite part of the job is seeing the kids develop and recover the skills they need to play and learn.

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